Retail Tariffs in Oregon

Idaho Power seeks to keep information on this website accurate and current. Reports are also available.

Official filings and testimony are on file with our regulators in Idaho and Oregon and can be found on their websites:

Rate Schedules
01Residential Service
05Residential Time-of-Day Pilot Plan
07Small General Service
09Large General Service
15Dusk to Dawn Customer Lighting
19Large Power Service.
23Irrigation Peak Rewards Program (Optional)
24Agricultural Irrigation Service
27Irrigation Efficiency Rewards Program
40Unmetered General Service
41Street Lighting Service
42Traffic Control Signal Lighting Service
55Annual Power Cost Update
56Power cost Adjustment Mechanism
61Power Quality Program
62Green Energy Purchase Program Rider (Optional)
63Bill Discount for Qualified Customers Program
64Bill Discount for Qualified Customers Cost Recovery Mechanism
66Miscellaneous Charges
68Multi-Family Energy Savings Program
71Educational Distributions
72Heating and Cooling Efficiency Program
74Residential Air Conditioner Cycling Program-Optional
76Flex Peak Program
78Residential Energy Conservation Program
79Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Program
82Commercial Energy Conservation Services Program
84Customer Energy Production Net Metering
85Cogeneration and Small Power Production Contract Rates
87Manufactured Housing Energy Efficiency Programs
88Solar Photovoltaic Pilot Program
89Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency
91Energy Efficiency RIder
92Boardman Operating Life Adjustment
93Solar Photovoltaic Pilot Program Rider
95Adjustment for Municipal Exactions
98Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit
99Community Solar Program Start-Up Cost Payment Authorization
100Oregon Community Solar Interconnection and Power Purchase Agreement
101Community Solar Program (Optional)
Rules and Regulations
CService and Limitations
FService Connection and Discontinuance
HNew Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations
IBudget Pay Plans
JContinuity, Curtailment and Interruption of Electric Service
KCustomer’s Load and Operations

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