This process is for generators greater than 20 megawatts (MW).
Transitional Cluster Study Process
1. Idaho Power Filing Date of LGIP: Oct. 2, 2023
- On November 15, 2024 Idaho Power submitted its required Compliance Filing (ER24-10-002) with FERC’s Errata Notice and FERC’s September 19, 2024 Order. The version of the Tariff currently posted on OASIS, and the version of the LGIP and LGIA posted on this public site, contains both the accepted and rejected language to conform with the version of the Tariff currently on record with FERC. The minor revisions have been addressed In Idaho Power’s November 15th compliance filing as required by FERC. See the Order in the Recent Filing subfolder contain in the Tariff folder on OASIS for further information.
- Large Generation Interconnection Procedures (LGIP)
2. 30 Calendar Days after Filing: Nov. 1, 2023
- In accordance with FERC Order 2023 and Section 5.1 of Idaho Power’s LGIP Compliance Filing, any Interconnection Customer assigned a Queue Position as of 11:59:59 p.m. (MT) on November 1, 2023 (i.e., 30 Calendar Days after the October 2, 2023 filing date) shall retain that Queue Position subject to the requirements in Sections 5.1.1,, and of the filed LGIP.
- Interconnection Requests submitted after this date will not be eligible to proceed into the transition process and can be submitted in the initial Cluster Request Window, as described in Section 3.4.1 of the filed LGIP.
3. Commission Approved Effective Date (CAED): Jan. 1, 2024
- Idaho Power shall offer the Transitional Cluster Study Agreement (Appendix 7) no later than the CAED, per section of the LGIP.
4. 60 days after CAED: March 1, 2024
- Applicable Transitional Cluster Study documents, data and deposit due.
- Transitional Cluster Study Submission Checklist
5. Interim Transitional Cluster Study Report (TCSR): July 19, 2024
- Interconnection Customer shall have 30 Calendar Days to comment on the Interim TCSR once it has been received.
6. Final Transitional Cluster Study Report: Dec. 26, 2024
After the Final TCSR is issued, Interconnection Customer shall proceed pursuant to Section 11 of the LGIP to enter into a Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (LGIA).
Transitional Serial Study Process
1. Idaho Power Filing Date of LGIP: Oct. 2, 2023
- On November 15, 2024 Idaho Power submitted its required Compliance Filing (ER24-10-002) with FERC’s Errata Notice and FERC’s September 19, 2024 Order. The version of the Tariff currently posted on OASIS, and the version of the LGIP and LGIA posted on this public site, contains both the accepted and rejected language to conform with the version of the Tariff currently on record with FERC. The minor revisions have been addressed In Idaho Power’s November 15th compliance filing as required by FERC. See the Order in the Recent Filing subfolder contain in the Tariff folder on OASIS for further information.
- Large Generation Interconnection Procedures (LGIP)
2. 30 Calendar Days after Filing: Nov. 1, 2023
- In accordance with FERC Order 2023 and Section 5.1 of Idaho Power’s LGIP Compliance Filing, any Interconnection Customer assigned a Queue Position as of 11:59:59 p.m. (MT) on November 1, 2023 (i.e., 30 Calendar Days after the October 2, 2023 filing date) shall retain that Queue Position subject to the requirements in Sections 5.1.1,, and of the filed LGIP.
- Interconnection Requests submitted after this date will not be eligible to proceed into the transition process and can be submitted in the initial Cluster Request Window, as described in Section 3.4.1 of the filed LGIP.
3. Commission Approved Effective Date (CAED): Jan. 1, 2024
- Idaho Power shall offer the Transitional Serial Interconnection Facilities Study Agreement (Appendix 8) no later than the CAED per section of the LGIP.
4. 60 days after CAED: March 1, 2024
- Applicable Transitional Serial Study documents, data and deposit due.
- Transitional Serial Study Submission Checklist
5. Transitional Serial Facilities Study Report (TFSR): May 30, 2024
After the Final TFSR is issued, Interconnection Customer shall proceed pursuant to Section 11 of this LGIP to enter into a Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (LGIA).
Large Generation Interconnection Process (starting March 1, 2025)
1. Eligibility Requirements
Review the full requirements in Section 3.4.2 of the LGIP.
- Large Generation Interconnection Procedures (LGIP)
- $5,000 Non-Refundable Application Fee
- Study Deposit
- $35,000 plus $1,000 per MW for Interconnection < 80 MW
- $150,000 for Interconnection Requests ≥ 80 MW < 200 MW
- $250,000 for Interconnection Requests ≥ 200 MW
- Commercial Readiness Deposit equal to two times the study deposit
- LGIP Interconnection Application
- 90% Site Control as outlined in the Business Practices
- Data Requirements as outlined in the Cluster Study Submission Checklist.
2. Cluster Request Window: 45 Calendar Days
The first Cluster Request Window shall open March 1, 2025.
- Cluster Request Window shall open every March 1.
- Applicable Cluster Study documents, data, and deposit due.
- Cluster Study Submission Checklist
- Interconnection Requests submitted outside of this time will not be considered.
3. Customer Engagement Window: 60 Calendar Days
- View OASIS to view the application list.
4. Cluster Study: 150 Calendar Days
Evaluates the impact of the proposed interconnection on the reliability of the Transmission System. Consists of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses as well as provides a list of facilities that are required.
5. Cluster Study Restudies: 150 Calendar Days
If a restudy is deemed necessary, Idaho Power will notify the Interconnection Customers within 30 Calendar Days after the Cluster Study Report Meeting. If there are no withdrawals after the completion of the Cluster Study or Restudy, or a restudy is deemed unnecessary, Idaho Power will notify the Interconnection Customers within 30 Calendar Days of such determination.
- Demonstration of Continued Site Control
- Bring Commercial Readiness Deposit to 5% of Interconnection Customer’s Network Upgrade costs assigned in the Cluster Study.
6. Facility Study: 90–180 Calendar Days
Shall be specific to each Interconnection Request and be preformed on an individual basis
- LGIP Facilities Study Agreement
- 100% Site Control as outlined in the Business Practices
- Bring Commercial Readiness Deposit to 10% of Interconnection Customer’s Network Upgrade costs assigned in the Cluster Study or Cluster Restudy.
7. Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (LGIA)
All projects greater than 20 MW are subject to technical requirements under the LGIA.
Deposit equal to 20% of Interconnection Customer’s estimated Network Upgrade costs assigned in the Draft LGIA minus the total amount of Commercial Readiness Deposits previously provided.
Large Generator Interconnection Agreement
Demonstration of Continued Site Control
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