PURPA QF Interconnections

These processes are for generators in Idaho and Oregon.

Idaho Generators (up to 80 MW)

1. Eligibility Requirements

2. Application

3. Feasibility Study: 30 Business Days

Includes general review of system impact, capacity constraints and any potential issues with the customer’s choice of point of interconnection.

4. System Impact Study: 30–45 Business Days

Provides a detailed assessment of transmission system adequacy to accommodate the project. This step may not be necessary for some projects, depending on size and location.

5. Facilities Study: 30–45 Business Days

Includes design and engineering studies to determine design and specifications. Construction options are provided to the customer.

6. Interconnection Agreement

All projects are subject to technical requirements under the Interconnection Agreements once the project becomes operational.

Idaho Generator Interconnection Agreement Schedule 72

Oregon Generators (up to 10 MW)

1. Eligibility Requirements

In addition, the application must meet approval criteria in the Tier 1, Section 2 (a) – (e) in the Small Generator Interconnection Rules.

  • Must use lab-tested, inverter-based interconnection equipment
  • Electric Nameplate Capacities of 25kW or less
  • Must not be interconnected to a transmission line

2. Application

3. Application Review: 15 Business Days

  • If the application is approved, the request will proceed to the Interconnection Agreement
  • If the application is not approved, may submit a new application to Tier 2

4. Interconnection Agreement

All projects are subject to technical requirements under the Interconnection Agreements once the project becomes operational.

1. Eligibility Requirements

In addition, the application must meet approval criteria in the Tier 2, Section 2 (a) – (1) in the Small Generator Interconnection Rules.

  • Does not qualify for, or failed to meet Tier 1 eligibility requirements
  • Electric Nameplate Capacities of 2 MW or less
  • Interconnected to a radial distribution circuit or a spot network distribution circuit limited to serving one customer
  • Must not be interconnected to a transmission line
  • Must use interconnection equipment that is either lab-tested or field-tested

2. Application

3. Application Review: 20 Business Days

  • If the application is approved, the request will proceed to the Interconnection Agreement
  • If the application is not approved, may submit a new application to Tier 3

4. Interconnection Agreement

All projects are subject to technical requirements under the Interconnection Agreements once the project becomes operational.

1. Eligibility Requirements

In addition, the application must meet approval criteria in the Tier 2 Section 2 (a), (h) and (j), and in the Tier 3 Section 3 (a) – (c) in the Small Generator Interconnection Rules.

  • Does not qualify for, or failed to meet Tier 1 or Tier 2 eligibility requirements
  • Electric Nameplate Capacities of 10 MW or less
  • Must not be interconnected to a transmission line
  • Must not export power beyond the point of interconnection
  • Must use low forward power relays or other protection functions that prevent power flow onto the area network

2. Application

3. Application Review: 20 Business Days

  • If the application is approved, the request will proceed to the Interconnection Agreement.
  • If the application is not approved, may submit a new application to Tier 4

4. Interconnection Agreement

All projects are subject to technical requirements under the Interconnection Agreements once the project becomes operational.

1. Eligibility Requirements

In addition, the application must meet approval criteria in the Tier 4 Section 5 (A) and (B) in the Small Generator Interconnection Rules.

  • Does not qualify for, or failed to meet Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 eligibility requirements
  • Electric Nameplate Capacities of 10 MW or less

2. Application

3. Application Review: 15 Business Days

  • If the application is approved, the request will proceed to the Interconnection Agreement.
  • If the application is not approved, proceed to the Feasibility Study.

4. Feasibility Study: 30 Business Days

Includes a general review of system impact, capacity constraints and any potential issues with the customer’s choice of point of interconnection. This step may not be necessary for all projects.

5. System Impact Study: 30–45 Business Days

Provides a detailed assessment of transmission system adequacy to accommodate the project. This step may not be necessary for all projects.

6. Facility Study: 30–45 Business Days

Includes design and engineering studies to determine design and specifications. Construction options are provided. This step may not be necessary for all projects.

7. Interconnection Agreement

All projects are subject to technical requirements under the Interconnection Agreements once the project becomes operational.

Witness Test

Interconnection Agreement for Small Generator Facility Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, or Tier 4 Interconnection

Small Generator Facility Interconnection Certificate of Completion Form

Oregon Generators (over 20 MW but equal to or less than 80 MW)

1. Eligibility Requirements

2. Application

3. Feasibility Study: 45 Calendar Days

Includes general review of system impact, capacity constraints and any potential issues with the customer’s choice of point of interconnection

4. System Impact Study: 90 Business Days

Provides a detailed assessment of transmission system adequacy to accommodate the project

5. Facilities Study: 90–180 Calendar Days

Includes design and engineering studies to determine design and specifications. Construction options are provided to the customer.

6. Interconnection Agreement

All projects are subject to technical requirements under the Interconnection Agreements once the project becomes operational.

Qualifying Facility Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (QF-LGIA)

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