Small Generation Interconnection Process (SGIP)

This process is for generators up to 20 megawatts (MW).

Small Generation Interconnection Pre-Application Process

1. Eligibility Requirements

2. Application

3. Report: 20 Business Days

The pre-application report produced by the Transmission Provider is non-binding, does not confer any rights, and the Interconnection Customer must still successfully apply to interconnect to the Transmission Provider’s system.

The pre-application report will include the information as outlined in SGIP section 1.2.3.

Fast Track Small Generation Interconnection Study Process

1. Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility does not imply or indicate that it will pass the Fast Track screens in section 2.2.1 or the Supplemental Review screens in section 2.4.4 of the SGIP.

2. Application

3. Fast Track Screens: 15 Business Days

Small Generator Interconnection Agreement (SGIA)

Screens will be performed as set forth in section 2.2.1 of the SGIP.

If the project passes all screens, it will proceed with executing an SGIA.

If the project fails the screen, it may proceed with executing an SGIA per section 2.2.3 of the SGIP, or it will proceed in accordance with Sections 2.3, 2.4, and/or Section 3 of the SGIP.

Standard Small Generation Interconnection Study Process

1. Eligibility Requirements

2. Application

3. Feasibility Study: 30 Business Days

Includes a general review of system impact, capacity constraints and any potential issues with the customer’s choice of point of interconnection.

4. System Impact Study: 3045 Business Days

Provides a detailed assessment of transmission system adequacy to accommodate the project. This step may not be necessary for all projects depending on size and location.

5. Facility Study: 3045 Business Days

Includes design and engineering studies to determine design and specifications. Construction options are provided.

6. Small Generator Interconnection Agreement (SGIA)

All projects up to 20 MW are subject to technical requirements under the SGIA. The SGIA must be filed with FERC for all projects up to 20 MW selling energy off-system.

Small Generator Interconnection Agreement

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