Idaho Power pursues the following goals when identifying and evaluating transmission line corridors for B2H:
- Avoid or minimize impacts to the environment to the greatest extent possible.
- Develop a corridor that meets engineering and construction requirements in a fiscally responsible manner.
- Connect existing and planned substations.
- Solicit public comment and implement suggestions where possible.
As the project progresses and the routing is refined to a 100- to 250-foot right of way corridor, Idaho Power will work with individual landowners to discuss where best to site the transmission line towers and access roads on their land.
B2H’s towers will have multiple designs. They will be single-circuit configurations on steel lattice or steel H-frame towers.
Idaho Power follows all applicable safety codes and standards to ensure our systems operate safely and reliably. The National Electric Safety Code (NESC) is the industry–accepted safety standard that guides the design, installation, operation and maintenance of transmission lines and equipment.

If federal and state agencies approve a transmission line route, Idaho Power will work with affected property owners to determine the exact line location and identify opportunities to reduce impacts to the property. Visit our “Landowner Information” section for more information.
Proposed design standards are listed below.
Tower heights (average)
- Steel lattice: 140 feet (ranges from 130 to 180 feet)
- Steel H-frame: 100 feet (ranges from 100 to 130 feet)
Tower footprint
40 feet by 40 feet
Span between structures length (average)
1,200 feet
Ground clearance (average)
35 feet
Right of way width (typical)
100 to 250 feet
Potential Tower Structures

Building a transmission line is a big undertaking. It includes building access roads and towers, stringing lines and restoring disturbed lands. Idaho Power will oversee all transmission line and substation design and construction. The company will hire construction companies to build the line.
Construction of B2H will begin after Idaho Power receives an Energy Facility Site Certificate from the Oregon Department of Energy’s Energy Facility Siting Council (ODOE-EFSC), as well as a conditional use permit in Owyhee County, Idaho.
Idaho Power will follow all state and federal requirements when siting the line. Additionally, all applicable safety codes and standards will be followed to ensure the system operates safely and reliably.
Construction Sequence
Build access roads and prepare construction sites
Install tower foundations
Assemble the tower structures
String the electrical line over the towers
Restore and revegetate disturbed lands