As part of our nonstop work to improve safety, reliability, and affordability, Idaho Power is rebuilding six miles of transmission line along Chicken Dinner Road. The new line will improve reliability and increase the amount of power available to homes, farms, and businesses in the area.
This work will take place just west of Lake Lowell, between Lewis Lane and Darrow Lane.
We’ll replace wooden poles—some of them more than 100 years old—with new weathered steel poles. We’ll build the new transmission line in the same general location as the existing one. To keep line working during construction, we’ll put the new poles close to the existing poles.
The steel poles will be taller than the existing wood ones to improve safety, meet modern standards, and accommodate lightning-protection equipment.
Idaho Power help a community meeting March 27, 2024 on this project. The company’s right-of-way agents might have contacted you about easements along this stretch of Chicken Dinner Road. We’ll continue to work with you through construction. We will direct our contractor to minimize impacts to traffic, farming, and businesses during construction.
Construction details have not been finalized. Idaho Power will communicate dates and other details to affected landowners and businesses.
The line will be built in phases to reduce cost and disruptions to customers’ service.
Idaho Power expects to finish this upgrade by early 2026. We are evaluating schedule alternatives to accommodate local businesses and the community.
If you have questions, contact Jamison Loveless at [email protected] or 208-388-2671.
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