Oregon Grid Improvements
Idaho Power is working on a plan for the electrical grid in eastern Oregon. This effort will improve our processes by including input from local communities. Understanding customer priorities will help Idaho Power continue providing reliable, affordable energy in eastern Oregon.
Some areas in Oregon have limited capacity for on-site generation. Learn more and see an interactive map of these areas here.
The electrical grid consists of transmission and distribution systems. The transmission system moves energy from plants that generate it to substations, and between substations. The distribution system moves energy from substations to the businesses, farms and homes that use it. It also connects customers who produce energy on their own – through solar panels, etc. – to other customers who use it.
On March 22, 2019, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) issued Order No. 19-104, directing Idaho Power to “develop a transparent, robust, holistic regulatory planning process for electric utility distribution system operations and investments.”
Idaho Power is excited to work with communities in eastern Oregon to increase visibility into how the grid works and gather the public’s input on distribution system investments.
Our goal
Idaho Power’s goal in developing the distribution system plan is to increase community involvement and reflect community priorities in the distribution system’s future while maintaining our tradition of safe, reliable, affordable, clean energy. To that end, we will share information and incorporate input from local governments, businesses, interest groups and the public.
Part I of Idaho Power’s “Oregon Distribution System Plan: A View From Above” is available here.
Part II of Idaho Power’s “Oregon Distribution System Plan: A View From Above” is available here.
Past meetings
Aug. 26, 2021: Introductory meeting presentation
Sept. 15, 2021: Identifying community priorities
May 18, 2022: Oregon Distribution System Planning
June 6, 2022: NWS Screening of Grid Needs
Please contact: [email protected]
Jim Burdick
Distribution Planning and Engineering Leader
(208) 388-5769
[email protected]
Marc Patterson
Transmission and Distribution Strategies Engineer
(208) 388-2712
[email protected]
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