Idaho Power’s Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Program has incentives available to support compressed air system leak repairs. This program is available to businesses looking to implement low- or no-cost energy savings projects at their facilities and have an opportunity to repair their compressed air system leaks. See the program overview for more information.
Reduce your energy costs without capital projects
Incentives are available from Idaho Power for capital projects resulting in electrical energy savings. However, the focus of this effort is on compressed air system leaks. These are often overlooked and don’t require more than leak detection, labor to repair leaks, and realize savings. Customers will receive an incentive of $0.025 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) saved annually up to 100% of the eligible project cost for participating in the program.
Compressed air leak repairs can also lead to non-energy benefits such as:
- Improved safety and security
- Increased air compressor capacity
- Better equipment performance
- Extended equipment life
- And more!
Program Requirements
- Compressor(s) power must total 100 horsepower (hp) or more.
- Provide access to facility and time for the appropriate facility personnel to assist with data collection during all phases of the project.
Steps to Participate
- Customer contacts Idaho Power to let them know they’re interested.
- Industry experts contact the customer and coordinate activities.
- Energy savings for each leak is estimated.
- Customer-selected leaks are repaired.
- Customer signs off and provides invoices or costs incurred implementing the repairs.
- Idaho Power provides incentive of $0.025 per kWh saved annually up to 100% of eligible costs.
Other Compressed Air Incentives
Equipment upgrades may be eligible for Custom Projects incentives of $0.20 per kWh saved annually up to 70% of eligible costs. Visit the Custom Projects program for more information on those incentives.
In addition, check out prescriptive measures for compressed air systems. More information can be found at Retrofits or New Construction.
Questions? Contact us [email protected].
Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements, and terms and conditions apply. Actual savings will vary by customers’ energy use, rate schedule and implemented opportunities.
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