Facility Energy Efficiency Tune-Up

Industrial facilities require periodic maintenance and adjustments to operate at peak energy efficiency. We know it can be difficult to know where to start, that’s why Idaho Power is here to help! A well-executed energy tune-up can help you make better use of the equipment and systems you already have in place. See the program overview for more information.

The tune-ups will help:

  • Lower energy use.
  • Improve processes, capacity, and performance.
  • Enhance your operators’ knowledge of systems, equipment, and the factors affecting energy consumption.
  • Realize positive return on investment through low-cost and no-cost improvements.
  • Actions that optimize the performance of existing equipment.
  • Reduce wear and tear on equipment, improve reliability, extend equipment lifespan, and reduce maintenance costs.

Steps to Participate

  1. Customer contacts Idaho Power to let them know they’re interested.
  2. Industry experts contact the customer and coordinate activities.
  3. A multi-day tune-up is conducted at the facility and a report is created.
  4. Customer-selected measures are implemented*.
  5. Measurement and verification is completed and customer signs off.
  6. Idaho Power provides incentive of $0.025 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) saved annually — up to 100% of eligible costs.

*Multi-day tune-up can be co-funded as a detailed assessment where Idaho Power will cover 75% of the cost (up to $12,500) to support identification and quantification of opportunities to save electric energy. Any remaining out-of-pocket costs for the assessment can be included in final project cost incentive calculation.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected].

Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements, and terms and conditions apply. Actual savings will vary by customers’ energy use, rate schedule and implemented opportunities.

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