Cohort for schools is one of the many energy efficiency resources provided by Idaho Power. Participants work together throughout the year, with coaching from energy experts, to evaluate school facilities’ energy use, identify metrics that impact energy use, and develop a plan to reduce energy use through operational or equipment changes.
There is no investment or out-of-pocket cost to the schools for participation, and participants may receive incentives of $0.025 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) per year saved, up to 100% of all tracked labor and material costs. View the program overview for more information.
- Earn 5 to 15% energy savings without the need for capital investment.
- Learn how to save on electricity, and have more money for other necessities.
- Create a sustainable plan, process and metrics for your school to continue to save energy.
- Identify your school district as taking steps to track progress and ensure tax funds are spent as wisely as possible.
- Technical training for participants.
- Learn about incentives to offset tracked labor and/or material costs associated with the cohort improvements.
How to Participate
Contact us today to discuss how your school facilities can join in the benefits of saving energy! Find your energy advisor, email [email protected], or call us at 208-388-5099.
Questions? Contact us [email protected].
Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements, and terms and conditions apply. Actual savings will vary by customers’ energy use, rate schedule and implemented opportunities.
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