Water Leaks

Many municipalities and industrial customers use a lot of water, and it often takes a lot of energy to pump and pressurize it in a distribution system. Since water is available continuously, and we expect it to be there when we need it, the equipment used to deliver it runs continuously.

Water leaks can be found by reviewing water production compared to water use, exploring if pumps are on but there is no demand, or by using hydraulic modeling and/or leak detection equipment. You can help reduce water leaks by replacing leaky pipes, fixing leaky storage tanks, and lowering pressure. See the program overview for more information.


Idaho Power offers an leak assessment incentive as part of the Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency program to repair underground pipes for municipalities and industrial customers to help reduce losses. Contact your Idaho Power energy advisor to get started!

Idaho Power offers a custom incentive of $0.20 per kWh of estimated first year savings, up to 70% of the eligible cost to repair the leaks found with a leak assessment for eligible underground pipes.

Idaho Power’s custom incentive covers $1,000 per 5 miles of pipe for a third-party leak assessment. A third-party assessment is not necessary if the customer has their own equipment. The program will not incentivize leaks found without a leak assessment.

Steps to Participate

  1. Customer contacts Idaho Power to let them know they’re interested.
  2. Customer provides a description of each leak type (crack, fitting, service, pin hole, etc.) with a photo of the damaged piping, if possible. A photo showing a ruler next to the hole is preferred but an estimate of the size of the hole can be used if needed. Estimate the size of the hole, if needed.
  3. Customer provides the electric use as well as flow and pressure data from the pump station or zone serving the distribution piping where the leaks were identified.
  4. Customer provides a copy of the results of the leak survey and the associated invoice for the service if completed by a third party. The cost information includes:
    • Labor costs in the form of hours spent on each repair and an hourly labor rate.
    • Material costs in the form of invoices for materials. If materials are taken from a larger inventory, an invoice representing the unit cost for the individual parts is needed.
    • Equipment use costs.
    • Invoices for permitting fees.
  5. Idaho Power provides incentive of $0.20 per kWh saved annually up to 70% of eligible costs.

Questions? Contact us [email protected].

Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements, and terms and conditions apply. Actual savings will vary by customers’ energy use, rate schedule and implemented opportunities.

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