Small Business Lighting

Running a small business means you have a lot to juggle, including your money, time, and effort. The Idaho Power Small Business Lighting (SBL) program can help! The program offers a free assessment of the existing lighting in your facility. The assessment will confirm whether a lighting retrofit at your facility is eligible for an enhanced incentive from Idaho Power.   

Enhanced Incentive

Idaho Power pays $0.40 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), estimated annual savings on qualifying projects.* Customers will be responsible for any project costs that exceed the allowed incentives. The incentive will be paid directly to the installing contractor. Customers will not directly receive an incentive from Idaho Power. Customers remit their portion of the project cost directly to their contractor. 

*Incentive capped at project cost. 

Steps to Participate

  1. Select one of the following options to get started. 
  • Option A: Visit the list of participating contractors and select a participating contractor to request your free lighting assessment today! 
  • Option B: Not familiar with any of the contractors listed or don’t want to choose a contractor? Send an email or call 1-800-632-6605, and Idaho Power will send your information to a participating SBL contractor who will contact you to schedule a free lighting assessment.   
  1. Schedule a free lighting assessment with a participating contractor who can identify energy-saving opportunities and confirm eligibility to participate in SBL. 
  1. Receive and review a lighting retrofit project proposal outlining the projects details from the contractor. 
  1. Schedule the energy-efficient lighting installation. 
  1. The participating installer performs the lighting retrofit. 
  1. Pay your portion of the lighting retrofit cost to the participating contractor. 
  1. Complete program survey and enjoy your upgraded lighting and your energy savings! 

Questions? Contact us at [email protected] 


What is Small Business Lighting and how does it work?

Small Business Lighting (SBL) assists small businesses in retrofitting their existing less efficient lighting to energy-saving LED lighting by reducing the project cost with enhanced incentives and no-hassle contractor selection. Participating installing contractors complete the program forms. All you need to do is have a participating contractor perform an assessment of your existing lighting system, review their project proposal to upgrade the lighting, and sign the application indicating that you want to participate! 

What lighting upgrades qualify?  

Your contractor will review your existing lighting and identify qualifying energy-efficient upgrades, such as: 

  • Fluorescent lighting to LEDs 
  • Upgrade to LED exit signs 
  • Upgrade inefficient exterior lighting to LED  
  • Add lighting controls 

Note: LED to LED retrofits and screw-in LEDs are not eligible for this program. 

Who is eligible?  

Select Idaho Power small business customers using up to 50,000 kWh annually may be eligible for the SBL program. 

What are the benefits of upgrading lighting at my facility?

Upgrading to efficient lighting will save you energy and money. You’ll enjoy several additional benefits including: reduced maintenance costs, improved customer and employee comfort, enhanced visual appeal, improved safety, and extended equipment lifespan.  Every business has different existing lighting fixtures, quantities, and wattages. Your SBL contractor will inventory your existing lighting and provide you with recommended LED upgrades. The project information will include a proposed project cost, estimated energy savings, simple payback, and return on investment (ROI). 

When will the SBL program start? 

The Small Business Lighting program will launch September 2024.  Marketing letters will be sent to eligible customers throughout the year, in phases. 

How long will the SBL program last?  

There is a finite number of eligible customers. Idaho Power will promote the program to those eligible customers in phases. We anticipate offering the program until all customers have been sent a direct mail letter. However, the program must remain cost-effective. Should the program become not cost-effective, it will be suspended.* 

Can customers choose any contractor? 

 Customers can choose any contractor from the participating SBL contractor list on the program website. 

Can any licensed electrical contractor sign up to participate? 

Idaho Power will initially select contractors for participation based on past Retrofits program participation and the need for contractors in any given area. If you are a contractor interested in participating, please call 208-388-5872. Contractors will be required to sign the SBL participation agreement with Idaho Power. 

Is there an incentive cap per project? 

Incentives are capped at total project cost. 

When will I receive the marketing letter? 

Marketing letters are sent out in phases to ensure timely service for customers who wish to participate. If you think your business would be eligible for SBL, but you haven’t yet received a letter in the mail notifying you of the program, feel free to send an email to [email protected]

*Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements and terms and conditions apply.