Oregon Energy Audits

Home Energy Audit

Oregon customers, if you heat your home mainly with electricity from Idaho Power, we’ll provide a free energy audit. If you heat with natural gas, your gas company can arrange an audit for you.

If you heat by other means, such as oil, propane, butane, kerosene or wood, contact the State Home Oil Weatherization Program (SHOW)  at 1-503-986-0973, or email [email protected]. SHOW program information may also be found here.

Idaho Power’s energy audit will:

  • Evaluate your home’s current energy efficiency
  • Estimate the cost of weatherization measures
  • Estimate the potential energy savings and indicate the most cost-effective measures

A home energy audit usually takes about 60 minutes, depending on the home. View this brochure for details and to sign up.

Weatherization Assistance

If you qualify for an Idaho Power audit and you own your home, you may be eligible for a weatherization loan or cash payment. If you rent, talk with the owner about this program.

The amount of the loan or cash payment depends on how much energy the weatherization measures will save. It’s necessary to have an energy audit before you start the weatherization project. The work is subject to verification by Idaho Power and must be completed within one year of the application date. View this brochure for details and to sign up.

Cash Payment

Cash payments are limited to 25% of the cost-effective portion of weatherization measures, with a maximum payment of $1,000.

Weatherization Loan

With approved credit, owners of single family homes, apartments, duplexes and mobile homes may borrow up to $5,000 at 6.5% interest to install the cost-effective weatherization measures identified during the audit. Weatherization measures that aren’t 100% cost-effective may be financed at a higher interest rate.

Weatherization loans are limited to $5,000 with a minimum monthly payment of $15 and a maximum loan term of 10 years.

Weatherization Examples

Weatherization saves energy and makes it less expensive to heat your home in the winter and cool in the summer. Here are some examples:

  • Caulking or weather stripping
  • Ceiling, floor or wall insulation
  • Vapor barrier materials
  • Timed thermostats
  • Insulation of heating ducts, hot water pipes and water heaters
  • Storm doors and windows
  • Replacement of single-paned windows

Installation or replacement of heating and cooling systems are excluded from the program.

Find information about bill pay assistance.

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