A heat pump water heater is a highly efficient alternative to a traditional electric resistance storage water heater.
How Does it Work?
A heat pump water heater is a hybrid system that combines heat pump technology with the heating elements of a traditional electric resistance storage water heater. It absorbs heat from the surrounding air while discharging cooler air. The absorbed heat is transferred into the water tank. Hybrid refers to the use of the heat pump as the primary way to heat the water. When hot water draw is excessive the heating elements will turn on to supplement the heat pump.
What is the Incentive?
- $300
- And to save even more, you may also qualify for a federal tax credit. Visit the ENERGY STAR Tax Credits For Homeowners page to learn more. Please note Idaho Power is not affiliated with these federal tax credits.

How do I Qualify?
- You must be an Idaho Power residential customer, and either a homeowner or property owner.
- Qualifying home types are single-family site-built, manufactured, duplex, triplex or fourplex.
- Your home can be a primary residence, vacation home or rental.
- The heat pump water heater must be listed on the Products List, minimum Tier 2, 55 gallons or less. Models listed above 55 gallons do not qualify.
- The heat pump water heater must be replacing an existing electric resistance storage water heater.
- A maximum of one incentive per home.
How do I Apply?
Are you a resident looking to install your own heat pump water heater? Check out this helpful video!
Are you a contractor looking for pointers on installing a heat pump water heater? Check out this helpful video!
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